Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 8

Discussion 8

Q One pages 284-285, Fink identifies characteristics of teacher credibility and the components of transformational leadership as they relate to the classroom. Identify one element that aligns with your strengths and one that you know you need to work on as an educator. Discuss your action plan for addressing the weakness.

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Teachers within the classroom have to play a multifaceted role in order to foster significant learning experiences. This is vastly important because without creating a proper bonding between students and teacher it would never be possibly make the students able to utilize their acquired knowledge in real life situation. In this context, the process of teaching-learning would have to be used like a process that would foster transformation within the students. Creating this transforming experience within the students would be one of the important duties of the teacher (Fink, 2013).